We Fully Support
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for reliable access to internet and exposed the breadth of ways in which connectivity impacts daily life. House Bill 5 aims to make measurable progress towards closing the digital gap for Texans.
AARP | AT&T | Digital Texas Coalition | e-Health
Alliance | Greater Houston Partnership |North
Texas Commission | RGV Partnership | Texas
2036 | Texas Association of Counties |Texas
Electric Cooperatives | Texas Farm Bureau |
Texas Telephone Association
& ManyMore!
Alliance | Greater Houston Partnership |North
Texas Commission | RGV Partnership | Texas
2036 | Texas Association of Counties |Texas
Electric Cooperatives | Texas Farm Bureau |
Texas Telephone Association
& ManyMore!
The Problem:
Now is the time for the state to step in & help close the gap for the many Texans that still lack access or face barriers to the subscription of broadband. The digital divide continues to widen & leads to social and economic gaps between those who have access to internet & those who do not.

The Solution:
Creates the Broadband Development Office within the Office of the Comptroller, which will:
Prepare the State Broadband Plan
Texas iscurrently one of only six states without a state plan.This puts Texas at a disadvantage when applying forfederal dollars.
Participate in proceedings at the Federal Communications Commission
Federal broadband maps have traditionally been inaccurate. Texas cancomplement the FCC's new mapping initiative byactively working to improve its accuracy.
Produce the Broadband Development Map
With granular, address level data the statecan better identify which areas of Texas need the most help.
Administer the Broadband Development Program
This program will make certain thatany private, federal, or state funding is ready to be delivered to applicants so service canbe expanded as soon as possible.